I. Printed books
- Gurevich P.S. Literaturnye normy i razvitie russkogo yazyka [Literature norms and the development of the Russian language]: Papers and proceedings of the constantly working seminar / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: MosGU Publ., 2007. – 285 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Obshchestvoznanie 11 klass [Social knowledge. Grade 11]: textbook for secondary schools / P.S.Gurevich, E.Z.Nikolaeva. – M.: Mnemozina, 2008. – 303 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Politicheskaya psikhologia [Political psychology]: textbook for univ.students / P.S.Gurevich. – M: YuNITI-DANA, 2008. – 543 p. – (Series «Actual psychology»).
- Gurevich P.S. Problema kulturnoy identifikatsii v sovremennom mire [The problem of cultural identification in the modern world] /P.S.Gurevich, Ulan-Bator (Mongolia): University of the Humanities, 2008 – 228 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 2 / Rus. Acad. Sciences, Int. Philosophy; Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: IPhRAS, 2008. – 206 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofia religii [The philosophy of religion]: Reading book: textbook / Comp. and ed. by D.Sc. in philosophy and philology, Prof. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO «MODEK» Publishers, 2008. – 600 p. – (Series «Student’s library»).
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofia [Philosophy]: Textbook for psychologists / P.S.Gurevich, М.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO Modek, 2008 – 1128 p.
- Gurevich P.S. Filosofskaya antropologiya [Philosophical anthropology]: textbook / P.S.Gurevich. – M.: «Omega-L» Publ., 2008. – 607 p.
II. Articles, sections in books and other publications
- Bueva L. P. Human subjectivity // Philosophy and culture, 2008, No. 1, P. 80-92;
- Bueva L. P. Human life and health as the basic criteria of social justice // Psychology and psychotechnology, 2008, No. 1, P. 55-62;
- Bueva L. P. Substantiation of philosophical anthropology // The spectrum of anthropological doctrines. Issue 2. – М.: IPhRAS, 2008;
- Bueva L. P. S. Kierkegaard’s idea of the openness of man and its role in education// Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 5th International Scientific Conference. – Moscow: MosGU, 13-15 November 2008: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. Part 1 / ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2008, p. 20-36;
- Gogotishvili L.A. Bibler, Bakhtin and the Problem of Author // "Problems of Philosophy", 2008. No 8;
- Gogotishvili L.A. Eidetic Language, Speaking Object and Multi-levelness of Sense // Aleksey Fedorivich Losev. Serie: Philosophy of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. ROSSPEN, 2008;
- Gogotishvili L.A. G. Chpet et M. Bakhtine : divergences attendues et rapprochements inattendus // Slavica Occitania. Numéros 26 et 27. Gustav Chpet et son héritage. Aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique. Toulouse. 2008;
- Gurevich P.S. Degustatsiya vlasti. P. 2 [Tasting the power. Part 2] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2008, No. 1 (31), P. 16-25;
- Gurevich P.S. «Invertiruet v beskonechnost’ no sokhranyaet svoi predely» [“Inverts into infinity but preserves its limits” (debate with с I.V.Sidorenko)] // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 1 (4), P. 173-176;
- Gurevich P.S. Iskusstvo ustnogo slova [The art of the spoken word] // Literature norms and the development of the Russian language: proceedings of the constantly working seminar. / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. M.: MosGU Publishers, 2008, P. 5-15;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 1 (4), P. 2-3;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Bez kompleksov» [Without complexes] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology], 2008, No. 2, 0,2 п.л.;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Gorizonty psikhologii» [Horizons of psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology], 2008, No. 1, P. 4-5;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Gorizonty sovremennoy filosofskoy antropologii» [Horizons of modern philosophical anthropology] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 2, P. 5-6;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Degustatsiya vlasti» [Tasting the power] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 5, P. 5-7;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «I vizhd’, i vnemli» [See and attend] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 8, P. 5-9;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Krizis traditsionnykh tsennostey» [Crisis of traditional values] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 6, P. 5-11;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Opyty «predelno trezvogo myshleniya» [Experiences of “extremely sober mind”] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 1, P. 5-6;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Paradoksy informatsionnogo obshchestva» [Paradoxes of information society] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 7, P. 5-12;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Po tu storonu dobra i zla» [Beyond good and evil] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 4, P. 5-10;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Priklucheniya natsionalnoy idei » [The adventures of the national idea] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 11;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Psikhologia mody» [Psychology of fashion] // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 3 (6), P. 4-6;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Toska po passionarnosti» [Yearning for passion] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 10, P. 5-8;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Tsennost’ – eto to, chto svyato» [Valuable means sacred] // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 2 (5), P. 2-3;
- Gurevich P.S. Editor-in-chief’s column «Chto takoe elita?» [What is the elite?] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 9, P. 5-10;
- Gurevich P.S. Lichnostny aspekt obrazovaniya [The personal aspect of education] // Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 5th International Scientific Conference. Moscow: MosGU, 13-15 November 2008: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. [In Russ.] Part 1 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2008, P. 3-20;
- Gurevich P.S. Natsionalnaya idea. Ob iznanke fenomena [National idea. On the reverse side of the phenomenon] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2008, No. 3 (33), P. 137-148;
- Gurevich P.S. Novye versii istolkovaniya chelovecheskoy prirody [New versions of the interpretation of human nature] // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 1 (4), P. 40-51;
- Gurevich P.S. Novye interpretatsii chelovecheskoy prirody [New interpretations of human nature] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy. [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines] Book 2 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. M.: IPhRAS, 2008.;
- Gurevich P.S. Religia kak ob’ekt sotsialno-filosofskogo analiza [Religion as an object of socio-philosophical analysis] // Filosofia religii [Philosophy of religion]: reading book / Comp. and ed. by P.S.Gurevich. M.: MPSI Publ.; Voronezh: NPO «Modek» Publ., 2008, P. 3-26;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In memoriam» // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 4, P. 188-190;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 3, P. 181-192;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 5, P. 179-196;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 2 (5), P. 131-133;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 1 (4), P. 177-180;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In the book stream» // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 3 (6), P. 159-167;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «New books of our colleagues» // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] Interdisciplinary scientific-practical j. of social sciences and the humanities. Vol. X. Issue 1 (40). M., 2008, P. 394-408;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In memoriam» // Edip [Oedipus], 2008, No. 2 (5), P. 130;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In memoriam» // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 1, P. 196-197;
- Gurevich P.S. Articles in the rubric «In memoriam»// Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 5, P. 197;
- Gurevich P.S. Article in the rubric «In memoriam» about I.V.Sidorenko // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 3, P. 193;
- Gurevich P.S. Fenomen debiologizatsii cheloveka [The phenomenon of debiologization of man] // Nauka. Obshchestvo. Chelovek [Science. Society. Man].M.: Nauka, 2008;
- Gurevich P.S. Tsivilizovannoe varvarstvo [Civilized barbarism] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2008, No. 2 (32), P. 154-163;
- Gurevich, P.S., Lukov, V.A. et al. «Iz’yany i resursy sotsialnogo upravleniya» [“Imperfections and resources of social management” in the rubric “Round table”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics], 2008, No. 3 (33), P. 179-192;
- Gurevich P.S., Sultanova M.A. Communication as an Anthropological Concept // International Journal of Communication. Vol. 18, No. 1-2, Delhi, 2008.
- Egorova I.V. The problem of the uniqueness of man // Philosophy and culture, 2008, No. 1, p. 63-79;
- Egorova I.V. The image of man in transpersonal philosophy // The spectrum of anthropological doctrines. Issue 2. – М.: IPhRAS, 2008;
- Egorova I.V. The human nature in the philosophical anthropology of E.Fromm // Science. Society. Man. – Moscow: Science Publishing House, 2008;
- Egorova I.V. G.Allport’s notion of the proprium // Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 5th International Scientific Conference. – Moscow: MosGU, 13-15 November 2008: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. Part 1 / ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2008, p. 84-97;
- Egorova I.V. Results of research within the framework of the project «Viability of cultural foundations» // Oedipus, 2008, No. 2 (5), p. 134-136 (with N.V.Klyagin et al.);
- Klyagin N.V. Darvinizm v filosofskoy antropologii [Darvinism in philosophical anthropology] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 2. P. 180–197.
- Klyagin N.V. Paradoksy antropogeneza [The paradoxes of anthropogenesis] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 4. P. 40–54.
- Klyagin N.V. Poteryannye pokoleniya [The lost generations] // Higher education for the 21st century: The 5th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, November 13-15, 2008.: Proceedings. Round Table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Part 2. Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М., 2008. P. 33–51.
- Klyagin N.V. Filosofia i «problema Ferma» [Philosophy and the «Fermat’s problem»] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 1. P. 113–128.
- Krotovskaya N.G. Simone de Beauvoir. Must We Burn Sade // Oedipus, 2008, No 1 (2 p.s.) (translation);
- Krotovskaya N.G. Levinas E. Philosophical Definition of the Notion of Culture // Philosophy and Culture, – 2008, – No 5. – P. 150-159. (translation) (1,5 p.s.);
- Krotovskaya N.G. Ericson E. The First Psychoanalyst. // Philosophy and Culture, – 2008, – No 5. – P. 159-178. (translation) (1,5 p.s.);
- Mihalenko Y.P. T. Kuhn and philosophy of technology // Philosophy and culture. – 2008. – No 12. – P. 38-60. (1,4 п.л.);
- Mihalenko Y.P. The Laborious Birth of Ancient Greek Democracy. Drakon and Solon // Oedipus. – 2008. – No 1(4). – P. 60-69. (1,1 п.л.);
- Mihalenko Y.P. Childhood and Youth of A.F. Losev // Philosophy and culture. – 2008. – No 11. – P. 165-184. (1,4 п.л.);
- Novichkova G.A. Erikson E. The accomplished life history. Part 2 (Translation by G. A. Novichkova and E. N. Fedina) // Oedipus, 2008, No 2(5),P. 105-128;
- Novichkova G.A. The illness of language of mass-media // The literary norms and the development of Russian language: reports and materials of the constant seminar / Executive editor P.S. Gurevich.. – М.: MosGY-press, 2008, P. 173-178;
- Novichkova G.A. The relevance of pedagogical concepts of I. Kant // Znanie. Ponimanie.Umenie. 2008, No 1, p. 94-98;
- Novichkova G.A. The phenomenon of the power in treatment by R. Aron // Philosophy and culture, 2008, No 9, p. 37-73;
- Novichkova G.A. Human problem in pedagogical anthropology of H. Plessner // Higher education for the XXI century: V International scientific conference. Moscow, November 13-15, 2008. Reports and materials. Round Table. Issue 3. Executive editor P.S. Gurevich. М.: MosGU Publishing, 2008. – P. 35-49;
- Rudneva E.G. Bytie kak osnova zhizni [Being as the basis of life] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 1. P. 7–21.
- Rudneva E.G. Dostoyny lider psikhoistorii [The merited leader of psychohistory] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2008. No 3(6). P. 102–111.
- Rudneva E.G. Zasil’e novykh slov [Dominance of new words] // Literature norms and the development of the Russian language: papers and proceedings of the continuing seminar. М., 2008. P. 138–149.
- Rudneva E.G. Ego-psikhologia i obuchenie [Ego-psychology and teaching] // Higher education for the 21st century: The 5th Intern. Scient. Conf. Moscow, November 13-15, 2008: Proceedings. Round Table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Part 3. Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М., 2008. P. 49–67.
- Spirova E.M. (under the nickname Salnikova Е.V.) Nezavershennoe protivostoyanie [The unfinished \ uncompleted opposition ] About the book by I.Mammadov, Т.Мusaev. Armyano-azerbaydzhanskiy konflikt. Istoria, pravo i posrednichestvo [The Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict. History, law and mediation] // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. No 2(32). P. 221–224.
- Spirova E.M. Apostoly mertsayushchego budushchego [The apostles of the flichering future]. About the book by D.Wilson «The History of the Future» // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. No 1(31). P. 230–233.
- Spirova E.M. Bessoznatelnoe tolkuet rebyonka [The unconscious interprets a child] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2008. No 1. P. 16–21.
- Spirova E.M. Budushchee kak syurpriz [Future as a surprise]. About the book by R.Nisbet «History of the Idea of Progress» // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. No 3(33). P. 219–222.
- Spirova E.M. Znak versus simvol [The sign versus the symbol] // Polignosis. 2008. No 4. P. 121–131.
- Spirova E.M. Kovarstvo evropeyskoy identichnosti [The insidiousness of European identity ]. About the book by J.Habermas «The Divided West» // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. No 2(32). P. 214–217.
- Spirova E.M. McLuhanizm v aranzhirovke postmodernizma [McLuhanism arranged by post-modernism] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 7. P. 56–69.
- Spirova E.M. Mistika kak kulturnaya traditsiya [Mysticism as a cultural tradition] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 9. P. 87–102.
- Spirova E.M. Religia kak ob’ekt sotsialno-filosofskogo analiza [Religion as the object of socio-philosophical analysis] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2008. No 2(5). P. 4–12.
- Spirova E.M. Rol simvola v izuchenii konkretnoy kultury [The role of the symbol in studying a concrete culture] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency]. 2008. No 1. P. 194–196.
- Spirova E.M. Sila simvolov kak novaya tema obrazovaniya [The force of symbols as a new theme of education] // Higher education for the 21st century: The 5th International Scientific Conference. Moscow, November 13-15, 2008.: Proceedings. Round Table. Spiritual development of man and the content of higher education. Part 1. Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. М., 2008. P. 36–52.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol – kluch k razgadke cheloveka [The symbol as a clue to the bottom of man] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 2. М., 2008.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol v istolkovanii C.Levi-Straussa [The symbol in interpretation of C.Levi-Strauss] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 5. P. 100–111.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol v psikhoanaliticheskom issledovanii Srednevekov’ya [The symbol in psychoanalytical study of the Middle ages] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency]. 2008. No 2. P. 235–237.
- Spirova E.M. Simvol i ponimanie [The symbol and understanding] // Edip [Oedipus]. 2008. No 1. P. 52–59.
- Spirova E.M. Simulakr [Simulacrum] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2008. No 2.
- Spirova E.M. Sootnoshenie smysla i sobytiya [The meaning-event ratio] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 8. P. 137–148.
- Spirova E.M. Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. No 1(31). P. 238–241.
- Spirova E.M. Fenomenologia simvola: yungianskiy podkhod [The phenomenology of the symbol: a Yungian approach] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 1. P. 176–190.
- Spirova E.M. Yazyk simvola [The language of the symbol] // Literaturnye normy i razvitie russkogo yazyka [Literature norms and development of the Russian language]: papers and proceedings of the continuing seminar. М., 2008. P. 107–125.
- Spirova E.M., transl.: Eco U. O chleneniyakh kinematograficheskogo koda [Eco U. "Articulations of the Cinematic Code”] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2008. No 11.
- Sultanova M.A. Yazyk, smysl i bessmyslitsa: criticheskoe issledovanie sovremennykh teoriy yazyka [Language, meaning and nonsense: a critical study of modern theories of language] // Literature norms and the development of the Russian language: proceedings of a constanrly working seminar / ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: MosGU Publishers, 2008, P. 269-282;
- Sultanova M.A. Proiskhozhdenie morali [Origins of morals]. Part 1 // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 3, P. 175-180;
- Sultanova M.A. Proiskhozhdenie morali [Origins of morals]. Part 2 // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 4, P. 145-152;
- Sultanova M.A. Remizova I.N. «Memento Nasci» protiv «Memento Mori» [Remizova I.N. «Memento Nasci» vs. «Memento Mori»] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture], 2008, No. 4, P. 184-187;