Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Spirova Elvira Maratovna
Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of the History of Anthropological Doctrines » Staff » Spirova Elvira Maratovna

Spirova Elvira Maratovna

Place of birth




  • Moscow State Pedagogic University (1998);
  • Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology (2002);
  • Post-graduate studies at the Institute of Philosophy, RAS (2002-2003)


Ph.D. in philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, RAS – 2003)

Dissertation’s title “The problem of bodiliness in the philosophical anthropology of A.Lowen” (tutor – Prof.P.S.Gurevich).


Fields of research

Philosophical anthropology, psychoanalytic anthropology.


Professional appointments
  • Since December 2013 till now – head of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines, IPhRAS. 
  • Since October 2010 – December 2013 – acting research fellow at the department of the history of anthropological doctrines, IPhRAS. 
  • 2000-2010 – associate professor, deputy head of the chair of psychology at Moscow State University of Technologies and Management. Scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council 212.122.04.
  • Since September 2009 - September 2013 – associate professor, deputy head of the chair of psychology at the Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
  • Since 2006 till now – senior research fellow at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University of the Humanities.
  • Member of the Russian Philosophical Society.
  • Deputy editor-in-chief of the leading journals Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture] and Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics] recommended for publication of scientific results of dissertations for Ph.D. and D.Sc. degress.
  • Deputy editor-in-chief of the journals Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies] and Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment].
Participation in research projects
  • RGNF grant No. 12-03-00574аfor the development of the theme «Spirituality as the problem of modern culture» – 2012-2014 – Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • RGNF grant No. 03-03-00472 for the project «The problem of the uniqueness of man» (2004–2006) (as a researcher) – IPhRAS
  • RGNF grant No. 07-04-94550 g/ya – The constantly working seminar «Literature norms and the development of the Russian language»» (2007) (as a researcher). – MosGU.
  • The federal project «Development of teaching and methodological support of technological education in the senior professional school» under the analytical target programme «Development of scientific potential of higher school» (2006-2008)» (as a researcher) – MGUTU.
  • The programme of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Support of young scholars» (the project «The role of a symbol in culture and education ») (2006-2009) – IPhRAS.
  • RGNF grant No. 09-03-00310(a) for the project «The ontological split of human being» (2009–2011) (as a researcher) – IPhRAS.
  • RGNFgrantNo. 09-03-00780 a/R for the project «ThenewimageofRussia» (additional contest under the programme «Russia in the multi-polar world: the image of the country») (2009-2010) (as a researcher) – MosGU.
  • RGNF grant No. 11-03-00599аfor the project «The problem of identity in modern culture» (2011-2013) (as a researcher) – Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Educational and methodological teaching aids

Educational and methodological teaching complexes on a number of psychological disciplines; textbooks on the lectured courses.


More detail>>


Scientific publications


  • Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Razmezhevaniya i tendentsii sovremennoy filosofskoy antropologii [Delimitations and tendencies of modern philosophical anthropology]. М.: IPh RAS, 2015. 161 p.
  • Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. Identichnost’ kak sotsialny i antropologicheskiy fenomen [Identity as a social and anthropological phenomenon]. М.: Kanon+ ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2015. 368 p.
  • Znak i simvol: psikhologo-filosofskie aspekty [The sign and the symbol: psychological and philosophical aspects]: monograph / E.M.Spirova. – M.:RGTEU Publishers. 2011. – 186 p.
  • The symbol and philosophical comprehension of man: philosophical-anthropological reflection: monograph / E.M.Spirova. – Germany, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011. – 467 p.


Recent publications (since 2010):

  • Vtoroe polusharie intellektualnogo globusa [The second hemisphere of the intellectual globe] // Filos. antropologia [Philos. anthropology]. 2015. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 34–48. [electronic resource] URL:
  • Simvol v klassicheskom psikhoanalize [Symbol in classical psychoanalysis] // Scient. Works of Inst. Contin. Profess. Education. Issue 4 (No 4/2014): Proceeding of Int. conf. «Psychoanalysis, psychological practices and paedagogic technologies in education, consulting and business» / Ed. by S.V. Chernov. M.: Inst. of Cont. Profess. Education Publ., 2014. P. 66–74.
  • Dusha i psikhika: sootnoshenie ponyatiy [Soul and psyche: correlation of notions] // Nauka Udmurtii. March 2015. No 1(71). P. 132–145. (Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russ. scient. conf.)).
  • Jacques Maritain o poezii [Jacques Maritain on poetry] // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Rossii i za rubezhom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya: Coll. works of Int. scient. conf. (13–18 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. G.R. Konson. М.: Liteo, 2015. P. 482–489.
  • Khudozhestvenny simvol [Artistic symbol] // Iskusstvo kak fenomen kultury: traditsii i perspektivy: coll. works of Int. scient. conf. of Maimonides State Classical Academy (13‑19 Apr. 2015 ) / Ed. by Ya.I. Syshkova-Irina. М.: Maimonides State Classical Academy, 2015. P. 243‑251.
  • Obschestvo traditsionnoe i sovremennoe [Traditional and modern society] // Kultura kak vid chelovecheskogo bytiya i poznaniya: coll. materials of All-Russ. scient. conf. with int.participation at Tyumen Univ. Ishim branch dedic. to the 70th anniv. of V.I.Polischuk / Scient. ed. V.I. Polischuk; ed. L.А. Ogorodnikova. Ishim: TuymGu Publ., 2015. P. 58–67.
  • «Dusha» kak fenomen v istoricheskom rakurse [Soul as a phenomenon in the historical perspective] // Ot istokov r sovremennosti: 130 let organizatsii psikhologicheskogo obschestva pri Moscovskom universitete: Coll. materials of jubilee conf.: in 5 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. М.: Cogito-Centre, 2015. P. 125–128.
  • Homo naturalis kak sovremenny proekt [Homo naturalis as a modern project] // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalisation. East and West – dialogue of world views: abstracts of VII Russ. philos. congr. (Ufa, 6–10 Oct. 2015 ): in 3 vol. Vol. I. Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2015. P. 363.
  • Vybor prioriteta: kultura ili tsivilizatsiya [Choice of priority: culture or civilisation] // Chelovek pered vyborom v sovremennom mire: problemy, vozmozhnosti, resheniya: Proceedings of All-Russ. scient. conf. (Moscow, 27–28 Oct. 2015 ). In 3 vol. Vol. 1 / Ed. M.S. Kiseleva. М.: Nauchn. mysl, 2015. P. 110–118.
  • In the book stream – review on new books by Publ.House «Canon+») // Filos. mysl’ [Philos.thought]. 2014. No 12. P. 185–205. [electronic resource ресурс] URL:
  • Filosofsko-antropologicheskie diskursy [Philosophical-anthropological discourses] (review on new books by the Institute of Philosophy RAS) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2015. No 4(88). P. 618–628.
  •  (Spirova E.) The Symbol as an Anthropological Concept // Russian Studies in Philosophy. Fall, 2013. Vol. 52. No 02. P. 46-60.
  • Universal’ny mif [Universal myth] // NB: Filol. issled. [Philol. studies]. 2013. No 3. P. 148-176. (URL:
  • «The knowledgeable man» (homo intelligens) // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2014. No 1(64). P. 22-32.
  • V kolovorote obschestvennykh illyuziy [In the wirlpool of social illusions] (To the 30th anniversary of publication of a monography by P.S. Gurevich «Sotsial’naya mifilogiya») // Filosofiya i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2014. No 2(74). P. 261-270.
  • Vliyanie Holderlina na tvorchestvo Gegela [Influence of Holderlin of Hegel] // Filologia: nauchn.issled. [Philology: scient.research]. 2014. No 1(13). P. 58-64.
  • Po tu i druguyu storonu svobody i dostoinstva [On this and other side of freedom and dignity] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2014. No 3(66). P. 247-256.
  • Filosofsko-antropologicheskoe nasledie H.-E. Hengstenberga [Philosophical-anthropological heritage of H.-E. Hengstenberg] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue  6 / Ed. P.S. Gurevich. М.: IPh RAS, 2014. P. 22-44.
  • Simvol i politika [Symbol and politics] // Vestn. analitiki. 2014. No 3(57). P. 19-27.
  • Germenevticheskoe tolkovanie simvola [A hermeneutic interpretation of the symbol] (article 2) // Vestn. P.P.Ershov Ishim. Ped. Inst. 2014. No 3(15). P. 147-154.
  • Antropologicheskie idei Zhana Piazhe [Anthropological ideas of Jean Piaget] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2014. No 7(70). P. 757-765.
  • Spetsifika gumanitarnogo myshleniya [The specificity of humanitarian thinking] // Chelovek: obraz i suschnost’. Gumanitarnye aspekty: Yearbook. М.: INION RAS, 2014. P. 27-44.
  • Bytie igry [The being of play] // Vestn. RFO. 2014. No 3. P. 49-53.
  • Ideya obrazovaniya v evropeyskoy kulture [The idea of education in European culture] // Kultura kak vid chelovecheskogo bytiya i poznaniya: Materials of All-Russ. scient. conf. ( Ishim, P.P.Ershov IGPI, 22-23 Nov. 2013 ) / Eds. V.I. Polischuk; G.V. Silchenko. Ishim, 2013. P. 141-146.
  • Psikhoanaliz ob iskusstve: paralleli i vzaimodeystviya [Psychoanalysis about art: parallels and interactions] // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Rossii i za rubezhom: Collected papers of the Int. scient. conf. (14-19 Apr. 2014 ). М., 2014. P. 525-534.
  • Gumanitarizatsiya obrazovaniya [Humanitarization of education] // Scientific works of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education. Issue 2 (No2/2014): Proceedings of Rus. conf. «Continuing professional education in Russia: Problems. Tasks. Perspectives» / Ed. Prof. S.V. Chernov. М., 2014. P. 40-58.
  • Spetsifika gumanitarnogo myshleniya [Specificity of umanitarian thinking] // Gumanitarnoe znanie i vyzovy vremeni / Ed. and complied by S.Ya. Levit. М., SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, Universitetskaya kniga, 2014. P. 91-107.
  • Dukh i politika [Spirit and politics]: In the book by А. Weber «Selected works: The crisis of European civilization» // Vestn. analitiki. 2013. No 4(54). P. 138-141.
  • Review on the book by А.I. Utkin «The First World War» // Vestn. analitiki. 2014. No 1(55). P. 155-158.
  • Sotsiokulturnye proekty obraza cheloveka [Sociocultural projects of the image of man] // Filosofiya i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2014. No 8(80). P. 1176-1185. (RGNF No 14-03-00350 «Culture as crisis: failure or opportunity?»).
  • «Protez dukhovnosti [Prosthesis of spirituality]»: On the book by Т. Adorno «The German ideology» // Vestn. analitiki. 2014. No 2(56). P. 152-155. (RGNF No 12-03-00574 «Spirituality as a problem of modern culture»).
  • Sotsialny khaos [Social chaos] // Sotsiologia v sovremennom mire: nauka, obrazovanie, tvorchestvo [Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity]: coll. works. Issue 5 / O.N. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popov. Barnaul: Altai Univ.Publ., 2013. 356 p. P. 214-220.
  • Sravnitel’naya antropologia W. Humboldta [A comparative anthropology of W. Humboldt] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 24-40.
  • Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
  • Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (electronic journal). 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
  • Germenevticheskoe tolkovanie simvola [A hermeneutic interpretations of symbols] (article 1) // Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute. 2013. No. 3. P. 111-117. 
  • Fenomen dukha v filosofskoy antropologii [The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical anthropology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology].2013. No. 1 (52). P. 26-34. 
  • Kak formirovalas’ idea vospitaniya [How the idea of upbringing has been formed]? // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 53-59.
  • Gumanitarnoe znanie v poiskakh smysla [Humanitarian knowledge in search of meaning] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 47-58.
  • Sotsialny khaos [Social chaos] // Sotsiologia v sovremennom mire: nauka, obrazovanie, tvorchestvo [Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity]: coll. works. Issue 5 / O.N. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popov. Barnaul: Altai Univ.Publ., 2013. 356 p. P. 214-220.
  • Sravnitel’naya antropologia W. Humboldta [A comparative anthropology of W. Humboldt] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 24-40.
  • Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
  • Why do we need history? // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (electronic journal). 2013. No. 1. P. 23-27.
  • Germenevticheskoe tolkovanie simvola [A hermeneutic interpretations of symbols] (article 1) // Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute. 2013. No. 3. P. 111-117.
  • Fenomen dukha v filosofskoy antropologii [The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical anthropology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology].2013. No. 1 (52). P. 26-34.
  • Kak formirovalas’ idea vospitaniya [How the idea of upbringing has been formed]? // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2013. No. 1 (09). P. 53-59.
  • «Iskusstvo kak vechny organon [Art as eternal organon]» (Schelling on the role of the symbol in art) // Iskusstvovedenie v kontekste drugikh nauk v Russii i za rubeshom: Paralleli i vzaimodeystviya [Art history in the context of other sciences in Russia and worldwide: parallels and interactions]: Papers and materials of the intern. scient. conf. 9-13 April 2013. М.: Nobel-press, 2013. 497 p. P. 427-434. (
  • Filosofia elitarnogo obrazovania [Philosophy of elitist education // Filosofia elitologii [Philosophy of elitology]. Works of the 1st All-Russ. elitological congress with international participation. Vol. 3 / Scient.ed. prof. А.М. Starostin. Rostov-on-Don.: Donskoe, 2013. 420 p. P. 150-160.
  • Lyubov’ versus odinochestvo [Love versus loneliness] // Nauka Udmurtii. Lubov’: eyo mesto i rol v prirode cheloveka [Science of Udmurtia: Love and its role in human nature]: Materials of the Petrakov Readings (Russian scientific and theoretical conference), 15-16 February 2013 / Eds-in-chief: M.N. Makarova, А.А. Razin, I.I. Rysin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2013. 246 p. P. 198-210.
  • Fenomen dukha i postizhenie cheloveka [The phenomenon of spirit and knowledge of man] // The 23rd Ershov readings: collect.scient. papers / Ed-in-chief L.V. Vedernikova. Ishim: P.P.Ershov USPI Publ., 2013. Part 2. 217 p. P. 66-69.
  • Kharakter – eto sud’ba [Character is fate]. On A.I. Utkin’s book «Roosevelt» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. No. 4 (50). P. 154-157.
  • Misterii mass [Mysteries of crowds]. On E. Canetti’s book «Crowds and power» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 1 (51). P. 144-147.
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 1 (51). P. 148-149.
  • Pokhvalnoe slovo kapitalizmu [A praise to capitalism]. On Albert O.Hirschman’s «The passions and the interests» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 2 (52). P. 157-160.
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 3 (53). P. 159-160.
  • Utrachennaya samotozhdestvennost’ [Lost self-identity. On R.Brubaker’s «Ethnicity without groups» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. No. 3 (53). P. 155-158.
  • Gumanitarnoe znanie v poiskakh smysla [Humanitarian knowledge in search of meaning] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Paedagogy and enlightenment]. 2012. No. 4 (08). P. 47-58.
  • Dukhovnost’ kak fenomen sovremennogo soznania [Spirituality as a phenomenon of modern consciousness] // The 11th Vasil’ev readings. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference «Values and interests of modern society». Part II. М.: RGTEU Publishers, 2012. 286 p. P. 245-252.
  • Zarastanie transtsendentnoy tropy [Overgrowth of the transcendental path] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 11 (50). P. 42-50.
  • Kultura i identichnost’. O knige T. Eagleton «The idea of culture» [Culture and identity. On the book by T. Eagleton «The idea of culture»] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2012. No. 3(49). P. 152-155.
  • Filosofsko-ideologicheskie proekty modernizatsii [Philosophical and ideological projects of modernization] // Modernizatsiya Rossii: informatsionny, ekonomicheskiy, politicheskiy, sotsiokultyrny aspekty [Modernization of Russia: information, economic, political and sociocultural aspects: Collected scientific articles] / Ed.-in-chief A.V. Kostina. М.: MosGU Publishers, 2012. P. 144-157.
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2012. No. 2 (48). P. 158-159.
  • Universalny yazyk globalistiki [The universal language of globalistics] // Vek glovalizatsii. Issledovaniya sovremennykh globalnykh protsessov [The age of globalization. Studies of modern global processes]. 2012. No. 1 (9). P. 34-45.
  • Antropologicheskiy aspect myshlenia [The anthropological aspect of thinking] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 5 (44). P. 38-49.
  • Simvol kak ponyatie i obraz [The symbol and a concept and an image] (A polemic response to remarks of Prof. V.A. Podoroga)] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2012. No. 6 (54). P. 96-105.
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2012. No. 3(49). P. 156-158.
  • Simvol i transtsendentsia v traktovke N.A. Berdyaeva [The symbol and transcendence in interpretation of N.A. Berdyaev] // Elmi əsərlər. Beynəlxalq elmi-nəzəri jurnal (SCIENTIFICWORKS. The international scientific and theoretical journal). No. 1 (18). Bakı, 2012. P. 153-162.
  • Genialnaya oshibka Friedricha Nietzsche [Friedrich Nietzsche: the mistake of a genius] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 10 (49). P. 90-97.
  • McLuhanism kak predtecha postmodernizma [McLuhanism as a forerunner of postmodernism] // Vestnik Ishimskogo pedagogichesgoko institute [Bulletin of P.P.Ershov Ishim State Paedagogic Institute].  2012. No. 1.
  • Etapy razvitiya ekonomicheskoy teorii [Stage of development of the economic theory]. Окниге J. Schumpeter «Ten Great Economists: From Marx to Keynes» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2012. No. 2(48). P. 154-157;
  • Postizhenie simvola: ot Hegela k Lacanu [Comprehending the symbol: from Hegel to Lacan // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2012. No. 3(51). P. 76-84.
  • Fenomen simvola v istolkovakii cheloveka [The phenomenon of the symbol in interpretation of man] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2012. No. 2(50). P. 42-50.
  • Simvol v transpersonal’noy psikhologii [The symbol in transpersonal; psychology] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2012. No. 1(40). P. 49-56.
  • Simvol kak ponyatie filosofskoy antropologii [The symbol as a concept of philosophical anthropology] // Voprosy filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2012. No. 3. P. 91-100.
  • Stremlenie k schast’yu i sotsialnye potryaseniya [Longing for happiness and social shocks]. About the book by Hannah Arendt «On revolution» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2012. No. 1(47). P. 147-149.
  • Filosofsko-antropologicheskie glubiny simvola [The philosophical and anthropological depths of the symbol] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 4 / Ed.-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: IFRAS. 2012. 159 p. P. 99-118.
  • Filosofsko-antropologicheskoe soderzhanie simvola [The philosophical-anthropological content of the symbol] / E.M. Spirova. - М.: «Kanon + ROOI» ROOI «Reabilitatsia», 2011. - 336 p.
  • Tolkovanie simvola [The interpretation of a symbol] // Sozidayushchaya priroda cheloveka [The creative nature of man]. Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russian scientific-theoretical conference) 2-3 December 2011 / Eds. M.N.Makarova, A.A.Razin, I.I.Rysin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2011. P. 114-120;
  • Filosofskaya antropologia kak sistema ponyatiy [Philosophical anthropology as a system of concepts] // Gumanitarnye nauki. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta [Humanities. Bulletin of the University of Finance].  Scientific-educational journal.  2011.  No. 3. P. 13-23;
  • Simvol v kontekste istoricheskogo opyta [A symbol in the context of historic experience] // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. [Knowledge. Understanding. Efficiency]. 2011. No.1. P. 225-230;
  • Universalnost’ simvola i filosofskaya antropologia [The universality of a symbol and philosophical anthropology] // Proceedings of the Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity. Issue 1 (No.1/ 2011): Philosophical studies. Psychologo-pedagogic studies. Spiritual heritage [In Russ.] / Ed. S.V.Chernov. Voronezh – M.: ANO «Institute of Spiritual Culture and Free Creativity», 2011. P. 33-51;
  •  «I bezdny mrachnoy na krayu...» [“And on the edge of dark abyss…” On the book by E.Morin «Towards abyss?»] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No.1 (43). P. 154-157;
  • Lichnostny rost: teoria i praktika [Personal growth: theory and practice (Report about the work of the Laboratory of personal growth, Moscow University of the Humanities)] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment]. 2011. No.1 (01). P. 42-54 (with P.S.Gurevich);
  • Kakim byt’ otechestvennomu obrazovaniyu? [“What should Russian education be like?” in the rubric “Round table”] // Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and enlightenment].2011. No.1 (01). P. 73-84. (with co-authors);
  • K istokam Serebryannogo veka [Toward the sources of the Silver century] // Russkiy mir [Russian world] – 2011: coll. of papers / Ed. S.N.Baburin. M.: Magistr: INFRA-M, М. 2011. P. 125-142;
  • Vlastomania nashikh dney. [Powermania of our days. On the book by S.Lukes “Power. A radical view”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No.2 (44F). P. 169-172;
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No.2 (44). P. 173-175;
  • Kula i Potlatch: psikhologicheskiy smysl (znak, simvol i simulakr v traktovke J.Baudrillarda) [Kula and Potlatch: a psychological meaning (the sign, the symbol and the simulacrum in interpretation of J.Baudrillard] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2011. No.5 (32). P. 48-56;
  • Hegel o roli simvola v poezii i muzyke [Hegel on the role of a symbol in poetry and music] // Filologia: nauchnye issledovaniya [Philology: scientific studies]. 2011. No.2 (02). P. 30-38;
  •  Irratsionalnost’ ratsionalnogo.[Irrationality of the rational. On the book by G.Ritzer “The McDonaldization of society”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2011. No.3 (45). P. 145-148;
  •  Simvol i obraz [The symbol and the image] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society]. 2011. No.3. P. 84-87;
  • Zarozhdenie antropologicheskogo smysla v simvole [Origination of the anthropological meaning in a symbol] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2011. No.9 (45). P. 126-134;
  • Normalnye i anomalnye lichnosti [Normal and abnormal personalities] // Yearbook of history and theory of psychoanalysis. Vol. 4 / Ed. S.F.Sirotkin. Izhevsk: ERGO, 2010. P. 34-44;
  • Fenomen simvola v nasledii F. Schellinga [The phenomenon of a symbol in the legacy of F. Schelling] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No.10 (34). P. 99-107;
  • Simvol – poslannik transtsendentnogo mira [The symbol as an envoy from the transcendent world] // Priroda cheloveka: biologicheskoe i dukhovnoe [The nature of man: the biological and the spiritual]. Proceedings of the Petrakov readings (Russian scientific-theoretical conference) 26-27 November 2010 / Eds. M.N.Makarova, A.A.Razin, M.I.Shishkin. Izhevsk: Udmurtian University Publishers, 2010. P. 173-177;
  • Filosofskaya antropologia kak sistema ponyatiy [Philosophical anthropology as a system of concepts] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No.11 (35). P. 128-138;
  • Germenevticheskiy smysl simvola [The hermeneutic meaning of a symbol] //Kavkazskie nauchnye zapiski [Caucasian scientific proceedings]. 2010. No.2 (3). P. 148-157;
  • Simvol i obraz kak psikhologicheskie realnosti [The symbol and the image as psychological realities] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No.12 (27).P. 15-21;
  • The Symbol in Contemporary Culture. E. Spirova et al. // International Journal of Communication. Vol. 20. No.1-2. Jan-Dec 2010. P. 179-188. (with co-authors);
  • Aktualnaya aksiologia [Actual axiology] // The 9th Vasil’ev readings. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference «Values and interests of modern society». Part 2. M.: RGTEU Publishers. 2010. P. 438-446;
  • Articles in the rubric «New books you might be interested in» // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2010. No.4(42). P. 161-163;
  • Fantomy poliarkhii. [Phanthoms of polyarchy. On the book by R.A.Dahl “Polyarchy: participation and opposition”] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2010. No.4(42). P. 156-160;
  • George Bataille o tselostnom podkhode k cheloveku [George Bataille on the integral approach to man] //Higher Education for the 21st Century. The 7thInternationalScientific Conference. Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 November 2010: Proceedings. Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education. [In Russ.] Issue 1 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – Moscow: MosGU Publishers, 2010. P. 24-32;
  • Psikhologia elitarnogo obrazovaniya [The psychology of elitist education] // Elita Rossii v proshlom i nastoyashchem: sotsialno-psikhologicheskie i istoricheskie aspekty [The Russian elite in the past and at present: socio-psychological and historic aspects]/ Ed. A.A.Korolev. M.: MosGU Publishers, 2010. P. 123-132;
  • Ekonomika cherez prizmu psikhologii [Economics through the prism of psychology] // The 8th Rumyantsev readings. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference «Economics, state and society in the 21st century». M.: RGTEU Publishers, 2010. P. 401-412;
  • Simvol kak antropologicheskoe ponyatie [A symbol as an anthropological concept] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No.8(32). P. 36-43;
  • Auguste Conte o cheloveke [Auguste Conte on man] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy. [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines] Issue 3 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. – M.: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. – P. 58-78;
  • Simvolika zhizni i smerti [The symbolics of life and death] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No.5(20). P. 75-82;
  • Zachem ludyam sverkhizobilie? [Do people need overaffluence? On the book by F.Bastiat «Economic sophisms»] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2010. No.2(40). P. 161-164;
  • Ot McLuhana do Baudrillarda [From McLuhan to Baudrillard] // Kultura globalnogo informatsionnogo obshchestva: protivorechiya razvitiya [Culture of the global information society: contradictions of development.] / Ed. A.V.Kostina. M.: MosGU Publishers, 2010. P. 376-383;
  • Filosofskoe istolkovanie androginnosti [The philosophical interpretation of androgyny] // Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva [Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society]. 2010. No.1 (53). P. 127-129;
  • Adler o raskolotosti chelovecheskogo bytiya [Adler on the split of human being] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No.2(17). P.51-56;
  • Tendentsii religioznoy filosofskoy antropologii [Trends of regious philosophical anthropology] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2010. No.2(26). P. 20-28;
  • Plasticheskaya operatsiya i obraz tela [Plastic surgery and the image of the body] // Psikhologia i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnics]. 2010. No.1(16). P. 79-89; 
  • Mozhet li vyzhyt’ kapitalizm? [Can capitalism survive? On the work by F. von Hayek «The fortunes of liberalism»] // Vestnik analitiki [Bulletin of analytics]. 2010. No.1(39). P. 150-153.

In all, over 150 publications.


  • Participation in the Russian scientific-theoretical conference “The Petrakov readings” entitled «The creative nature of man». Izhevsk: UdGU, 2-3 December 2011 (paper «The interpretation of a symbol»).
  • Participation in the International scientific-practical conference “The 10th Vasil’ev readings” entitled «Values and interests of modern society». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, October 2011 (paper «The value of freedom in the modern world»);
  • Participation in the International scientific-practical conference “The 9th Rumyantsev readings” entitled «Economics, state and society in the 21st century». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, April 2011 г. (paper «On the criticism of the political economy of the sign (an analysis of the conception by G.Baudrillard)»);
  • Participation in the International scientific-practical conference “The 8th Rumyantsev readings” entitled «Economics, state and society in the 21st century». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, April 2010 г. (paper «Economics through the prism of psychology»);
  • Participation in the Conference of Lecturers and in the Student’s Round Table dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War «The Great Victory and humanistic values: history, axiology, ideology and culture». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, 13 April 2010 (paper «The authoritarian man is a man of war»);
  • Participation in International scientific conference «Culture of the global information society: contradictions of development ». Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 2-3 June 2010 (paper «From McLuhan to Baudrillard»);
  • Participation in The First All-Russian scientific conference «The Russian elite in the past and at present: socio-psychological and historic aspects». Moscow: Moscow University of the Humanities, 4-5 June 2010 (paper «The psychology of elitist education»);
  • Participation in the International scientific-practical conference «The 9th Vasil’ev readings» entitled «The axiological aspect of economic psychology». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, October 2010 (paper «Actual axiology»);
  • Participation in the Round Table «Game, toy, gamemania: current problems of socialization and individuation of the youth». Moscow: Russian State University of Trade and Economics, 11 October 2010;
  • Participation in the 7thInternationalScientific Conference « Higher Education for the 21st Century». Moscow: MosGU, 18-20 November 2010 (scientific secretary of the Round table «Spiritual development and the content of higher education», paper «George Bataille on the integral approach to man»);
  • Participation in the scientific conference «The Petrakov readings» entitled «The nature of man: the biological and the spiritual». Izhevsk: Udmurtian University, 26-27 November 2010 (paper «The symbol as an envoy from the transcendent world»).

