Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Gurevich Pavel Semyonovich
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Gurevich Pavel Semyonovich

Гуревич Павел Семенович

Date and place of birth


Born in 1933 in the city of Ulan-Ude (Buryatia)





faculty of history and philology, A.M.Gorki Urals State University, (1955).




  • Ph.D. in history (1965).
  • D.Sc. in philology (1978).
  • D.Sc. in philosophy (1991). The dissertation’s title «Man as a subject of socio-philosophical analysis».


Titles and positions

Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


Fields of research

Specializes in philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis, philosophy of culture and modern Western philosophy.


Professional appointments
  • Work at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1984, at present – head of the department of the history of anthropological doctrines.
  • Prof. P.S.Gurevich is head of the Laboratory of personal growth at Moscow University of the Humanities, head of the chair of psychology at the Russian State University of Economics and Trade, professor at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, professor at the Academy of National Economy.
  • President of the Moscow Psychoanalytical Association, Vice-President of the Academy of Studies in the Humanities, full member of the International Informatization Academy, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the New-York Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Paedagogic and Social Sciences. Professor of sociology of the University of California.
  • Editor-in-chief of the leading scientific journals “Filosofia i kultura” [Philosophy and Culture], “Psykhologia i psikhotekhnika” [Psychology and Psychotechnics]


University courses


Philosophical anthropology, esthetics, psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, sociology, psychology and pedagogy, psychology of advertisement, and other.



Under the tutorship of P.S.Gurevich, a great number of post-graduate students successfully worked, presented their dissertations, and received Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees, among them:


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Educational and methodological teaching aids

A book series «Textbooks by Professor P.S.Gurevich»: 

  • Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia [Psychology]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 320 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and paedagogy]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 320 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia reklamy [Psychology of advertisement]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 287 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Filosifia [Philosophy]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 400 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 327 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Etika [Ethics]. – M.: Yunity, 2005, 351 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Estetika [Esthetics]. – M.: Yunity, 2006, (19 а.л.) 
  • Gurevich, P.S. Religiovedenie [Religious studies]. – RAO M.: MPSI Publishers; Voronezh: NPO «MODEK» Publishers, 2005, 694 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Psikhologia i pedagogika [Psychology and pedagogy]. – M.: «Proekt» Publishers, 2005, 352 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Osnovy filosofii [Fundamentals of philosophy]. – Min. of educ. RF M.: «Gardariki» Publishers, 2005, 439 p.
  • Gurevich, P.S. Kulturologia [Culturology]. – M.: «Proekt» Publishers, 2005, 336 p.

Gurevich, P.S. et all. Filosofiya obrazovaniya [Philosophy of education]. Book 1. Filosofiya vospitaniya [Philosophy of upbringing]. – M.: MGUTU. 2005, 364 p.


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Scientific publications 

P.S.Gurevich has over 300 scientific publications, among them more than 20 monographs.


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Scientific articles >>




P.S.Gurevich takes part in international and Russian scientific and scientific-practical conferences on a regular basis.


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P.S.Gurevich was the editor of and wrote forewords for about 40 books of philosophical classics, including philosophical works by N.A.Berdyaev, M.Buber, W.James, Z.Freud, C.Jung, K.Jaspers and others.


He published 8 volumes of E.Fromm’s works. P.S.Gurevich, as a compiler and editor-in-chief, prepared anthologies in the philosophy of technology «Novaya tekhnokraticheskaya volna na Zapade» [A new technocratic wave in the West] (М., 1986), in philosophical anthropology – «Problema cheloveka v zapadnoy filosofii» [The problem of man in Western philosophy] (М.,1988), «Chelovek: Mysliteli proshlogo i nastoyashchego o ego zhizni, smerti i bessmertii. Drevniy mir – epokha Prosveshcheniya» [Man: Past and present thinkers about his life, death and immortality. Ancient world – Enlightenment] (М.,1991), «Chelovek: Mysliteli proshlogo i nastoyashchego o ego zhizni, smerti i bessmertii. XIX vek» [Man: Past and present thinkers about his life, death and immortality. The 19th century] (М.,1995), «Fenomen cheloveka» [The phenomenon of man] (М.,1993), «Eto chelovek: Antropologia» [This is man: Anthropology] (М.,1995); in general problems of philosophy – «Mir filosofii» [The world of philosophy] (Vol.1-2 M.,1991; with V.I.Stolyarov), «Massovaya psykhoanaliticheskaya entsiklopedia» [Public psychoanalytic encyclopaedia] (М.,1998), «Kulturologia» [Culturology] (М.,2000), «Filosofia» [Philosophy] (М., 2002).


Scientific editor and author of the foreword of the books: Toffler A., Toffler H. «Voyna i antivoyna» [War and anti-war] . M.: AST Publ., 2004. Compiler, scientific editor and a foreword’s author of the books: E.Fromm «Begstvo ot svobody. Chelovek dla samogo sebya» [Escape from freedom. Man for himself] M.: Isida Publ., 2004;  E.Fromm «Imet’ ili byt’? Radi lubvi k zhizni» [To have or to be? For the love of life] M.: Ayris-Press Publ. 2004;  E.Fromm. Revolutsiya nadezhdy. Izbavlenie ot illuziy». [The revolution of hope. Beyond the chains of illusion] M.: Ayris-Press Publ. 2004;  E.Fromm «Krisis psikhoanaliza. Dzen-buddism i psikhoanaliz» [The Crisis of Psychoanalysis. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis] – M.: Ayris-Press Publ. 2004;  K. Horney «Nevroticheskaya lichnost’ nashego vremeni, Samoanaliz» [The Neurotic Personality of our Time. Self-analysis] M.: Ayris-Press Publ. 2004;  A. Toffler «Shok budushchego» [Future shock] - M.: AST Publ. 2004;  A.Toffler «Metamorfozy vlasti» [Power shift] – M.: AST Publ., 2004.



P.S.Gurevich received «Medal Ekateriny Velikoy» [Catherine the Great Medal] for his contribution to the development of Russian education (MGUTU).


California State University, East Bay presented the Award of Excellence to Professor Pavel Semenovich Gurevich, Ph.D. for his long-term scientific research and teaching work, expert preparation and quality instruction of the «Master of Business Administration» program in the Institute of Business and Economics founded by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and California State University, East Bay in Moscow.

