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Philosophy of Creativity. 9 th Issue. Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of Creativity Process /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: Golos, 2023. ISBN 978-5-91932-025-8

This volume presents the IXth issue of annual scientific edition under the general theme that is “Philosophy of Creativity”. It continues the previous ones, being published in the years 2015–2022, correspondingly. This volume embraces wide range of problems, concerning creativity understanding as new cultural meanings formation. Thematic peculiarity of this volume consists in its special accent to profound cognitive foundations of creativity processes’ elaboration, namely, imagination and reference correlation, meaning constitution processes in personal knowledge and symbolic practices, peculiarities of artistic meaning-constitution processes ( in poetry). The issue’s Table of Contents consists of Round Table discussion: Subjectivity of creativity: towards the sources of creative meaning-constitution process (dated back to April, 11 and 25; 2023), three principal chapters and rubric “Archive. Thinkers of the past about creativity process”. The titles of the chapters reflect thematic structure of the volume. Chapter I: “The problems of meaning-constitution processes in language and culture” is extended by chapter II: “Cognitive foundations of artistic creativity” and concluded with chapter III: “Creativity and human life-world”. Being traditional, rubric “Archive. Thinkers of the past about creativity process” presents magnificent Ovsianiko-Kulikovsky’s paper “From the lectures about artistic creativity foundations”. It presents author’s ideas, stated in his course of lectures, delivered in Kharkov University in the year 1903 and still remain actual.







Philosophy of Creativity. 8 th Issue. Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of Creativity Process /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: Golos, 2022 – 352 p. ISBN 978-5-91932-0241.

This volume presents the VIIIth issue of annual scientific edition under the general theme, that is “Philosophy of Creativity”. It continues the previous ones, being published in the years 2015–2021, correspondingly. This issue embraces wide range of problems, concerning cognitive foundations of creativity as new cultural meanings constitution, and bestowed the subtitle “Philosophical and methodological analysis of creativity processes”. The peculiarity of this issue consists in the special accent to profound cognitive background of creativity, namely, imagination and reference’s correlation, peculiarity of the meaning-constitution processes in symbolic practices, artificial intelligence and musical creativity. Based upon the idea of impossibility of creativity’s cognitive foundations and scientific discovery’s exhaustive formalization, the authors appeal to the real case-studies of creativity’s insights in the art and science, taking as an example personal creativity patterns of A. S. Maidanov (within the framework of Round table discussion), as well as B. M. Kedrov, V. M. Behterev, D. Campbell, S. I. Rubinshtein and O. Messian. The issue’s Table of Content consists of Round table discussion (dated back to 4th of April, 2022), four principal chapters and our traditional “Archive. Thinkers of the past about creativity”. The chapters’ titles reflect thematical contribution to the issue: “The problems of meaning-constitution in vernacular”, “Specificity of scientific creativity”, “Creative personality as the problem of philosophy of creativity” and «Philosophical analysis of psychological aspects of creativity processes”.

Being traditional, “Archive. Thinkers of the past about creativity” makes our readers acquainted with both domestical (S. I. Rubinshtein) and foreign (M. Polany) authors’ discovery in the field of creativity’s investigation.




Philosophy of Creativity. 7 th Issue. Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of Cognitive Foundations of Creativity /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: Golos, 2021 – 408 p. ISBN 978-5-91932-021-0

This volume presents the seventh issue of the annual edition “Philosophy of Creativity” and continues the previous ones, being published in 2015- 2020, correspondingly. The present edition has been bestowed the subtitle “Philosophical and methodological analysis of creativity processes”. It covers the wide range of problems, concerning cognitive foundations of creativity in the light of meaning-constitution processes in human thinking and activity. Special accent has been made on correlation of rational and non-rational in creativity processes: on wide horizon of intuitive manifestations’ explorations, the role of proprioceptive sensibility and perceptual senses.

Table of contents of the present edition has slightly been renewed. In addition to 3 principal chapters entitled “Rational and non-rational in creativity processes”, “Specificity of meaning-formation in musical creativity” and “Creativity and human life-world” exclusive rubric, which reflects Round table discussion “Theories of Creativity: integrity in diversity” has newly contributed to the edition. It signifies our contribution to 100th anniversary celebration of RAS Institute of philosophy’s foundation. Being traditional, the “Archive. Thinkers of the past about creativity” rubric reflects domestic thinkers’ achievements in the study of creativity as meaning-formation process in vernacular. In the present issue special accent has been made upon tropological peculiarities of vernacular in general, and upon poetical language, in particular.

table of contents


Philosophy of Creativity. 6 th Issue. Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of Creativity’s Processes /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: Golos, 2020 – 374 p. ISBN 978-5-91932-016-6

This volume presents the sixth issue of the annual edition “Philosophy of Creativity”, the previous ones being published in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, correspondingly. The edition has bestowed subtitle “Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of Creativity’s Processes”. It covers the wide range of problems, concerning social nature and cognitive structure of creative activity in the light of meaning-constitution processes in human thinking and activity. Special accent has been made on foreign cultures’ significance for human creativity power’s development. The table of contents consists of four chapters, each of them represents significant peculiarities of creativity processes in various fields of human thinking and activity. Our traditional (since 2018) “Archive. Thinkers of the Past about Creativity” rubric reflects historical experience of creativity studies in native philosophical tradition with special accent to meaning-constitutive functions of vernacular. The book also presents different — native and foreign — tradition of the most mysterious phenomenon of human capacity’s study.




Philosophy of Creativity. 5 th Issue. Meaningful dimensions of the sociocultural spaces of creativity /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: IIntell, 2019. ISBN 978-5-98956-017-2

This volume presents the Fifth issue of the annual edition «Philosophy of Creativity», the previous four being published in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, correspondingly. The edition covers wide range of problems, concerning cognitive and sociocultural nature of human creative activity in the light of its meaning-constitution process. The content of the book consists of four chapters. Three traditional chapters, devoted to cognitive features of creativity in different fields of human reasoning and activity, – philosophy, science and art – complemented with the new division, which reflects the peculiarity of meaning-constitution functions in the language. The «Archive» division is aimed to introduce the history of the creativity’s studies in domestic philosophical tradition with the special accent to meaning-constitution functions of vernacular. The edition throws the fresh light in favor of philosophy as interdisciplinary framework for cognitive synthesis in creativity studies in various regions of human reasoning and activity.



Философия творчества



Philosophy of Creativity. 4 th Issue. Images of Creativity in the Diversity of Socio-cultural practices /Eds.: Natalia Smirnova, Irina Beskova. Moscow: IIntell, 2018. ISBN 978-3-98956-023-3

This volume presents the forth issue of the annual edition “Philosophy of Creativity”, the previous ones being published in 2015, 2016 and 2017, correspondingly. The edition covers wide range of problems concerning social nature and cognitive structure of humans’ creative activity in the light of its meaningconstitution process. The content of the book traditionally consists of 3 chapters each of them covers its own special field of creative activity, such as philosophy, science and art. This one has been complimented with the new division, named “Archive”. Its subject matter reflects historical aspect of creativity process’ researches from the very beginning of XXth century with special attention to creative functions of vernacular. The main peculiarity of this volume is special attention paid to 200th anniversary of K. Marx’ birth. The first chapter as a whole has been devoted to his heritage viewed in the light of contemporary social thinking. The content of the volume adds some fresh arguments in favour of philosophy as interdisciplinary framework for cognitive synthesis in creativity studies in various regions of human activity and thinking.

full text in Russian



Anatoly Gorelov, Stanislava Filipenok, Elena Yaroslavtseva. Creativity, Human Being, Science. Moscow, IPH RAS, 2018. - 101 p.

ISBN 978-5-9540-0336-9.

The book “Creativity, Human Being, Science” continues the series of books, started with the research work “Language, Meaning and Creativity” (Moscow: IPH RAS, 2015) by Natalia M. Smirnova, Irina A. Beskova and Anatoly S. Majdanov. This monograph carries on interdisciplinary research which continues the further development of such issues as interrelation of creativity and self-creation, M. Polanyi`s evolutionary model which anticipated post-non-classical type of rationality making it possible to deal with the problem of human-dimensionality of scientific research. There are three chapters in the book. Chapter 1, “Creativity and Self-Creation” (Anatoly A. Gorelov), considers the connection between creativity in itself and self-creation. Self-creation has been considered as a special kind of creativity, and it refers to the creator himself, who tries to change himself in accordance with his own views about the man`s ideal as a qualitatively new entity that has not existed before. Creativity and self-creation are presented here as two aspects of the unified process of liberation the hidden both in the world and in the human being himself, the interrelation between creativity and self-creation being the distinctive sign of creativity. In Chapter 2, “Formation of Individuality and Creative Cognitive Capacities in Ontogenesis: M. Polanyi`s Evolutionary Model Analysis” (Stanislava A. Filipenok), self-creation has been viewed from evolutionary historical standpoint as a process included into ontogenesis of the individual and conforming/ subjected to the objective logic of living systems development. M. Polanyi`s evolutionary model analysis demonstrated that the basis of creativity and self-creation lies in the modification of the interpretative framework, which is a subjective colored model of the process under investigation and which serves as a transitional stage for the creation of a scientific theory. Chapter 3, “Future in the Context of Human-Dimensional Scientific Technologies” (Elena I. Yaroslavtseva), deals with human development within the framework of scientific post-non-classical rationality maintaining the principle of human-dimensionality, necessary in the conditions of dynamic network communications and saturation of modern life with digital technologies. It has been substantiated that a human being (as a self-organizing complexity) is able to balance his (her) correlation with the surrounding world, as an adequate natural phenomenon, and as well as to deepen autocommunication retaining his (her) wholeness.

table of contents





Philosophy of Creativity. 3 th Issue. Creativity and world life of human / Edited by N.M. Smirnova, I.A. Beskiva. - M.: IIntell, 2017. - 382 p. ISBN ISBN 978-5-98956-013-4.

This book presents the third issue of the annual edition «Philosophy of Creativity», the previous ones being published in 2015 and 2016, correspondingly. The main subject matter of this edition may be defined as the problems of creativity viewed from the perspective of human life-world. Traditionally, special attention has been paid to the problems of meaning constitution processes in such fields, as philosophy, cognitive sciences, artistic (poetic, musical, literary) activity and social communications. Philosophical transformation of meaning in different philosophical contexts have also been regarded.The book adds some fresh arguments, that philosophy should be viewed as transdisciplinary framework for cognitive synthesis in the study of creativity in different regions of human activity.


table of contents

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Natalia M. Smirnova. Meaning and Creativity. Moscow, Canon+ , 2017. – 304 p.

ISBN 978-5-88373-079-4


The problems of creativity as meaning-constitution human activity have been examined in this monograph.  Special attention has been paid to the problems of meaning-constitution processes in language: debatable problems of metaphor’s epistemology, cognitive correlation of image and sign, significance of imagination in meaning-constitution human activity. Philosophical transformation of meaning in historical types of hermeneutics has also been considered. Philosophical significance of “meaning” under the condition of the so-called “naturalistic turn” in contemporary epistemology has carefully been revealed. Recommended to the wide range of readers, interested in philosophy, linguistic and general problems of creativity.  


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A.S. Maydanov. Epistemology and Logic of the Myth: the Heavenly, the Terrestrial, the Human. URSS, Moscow. 2017. ISBN 978-5-9710-3657-9


The book is devoted to the epistemological analysis of Vedic mythology, considered as a content system, in which the vision and understanding of the archaic man of the surrounding world and his being in it is displayed. The methods and means of this mapping are revealed. The problem of the originality of the relation "man-world" is solved at the stage of formation of the early forms of social consciousness. For this purpose, the specificity of the mentality of one of the great ancient peoples, the Indo-Aryans, is explored. Logically reconstructed created by them the image of the universe, describes ways to display in the myths of cosmic objects. The same analysis is carried out in relation to the picture of the earth's nature, to the understanding of the ancient arias of the Earth's place in the universe, the connections between the cosmos, the Earth and man. The creative nature of mythological thinking, its logic, dialectics and the paradoxical nature of this logic, the paradigmatic nature of thinking, methods and techniques by which the authors of the Vedas created a picture of the world are explored. A new interpretation of certain myths of the Vedas. This book done in this study allows us to present mythology as an important initial stage in a single global process of the formation and development of human consciousness and thinking.


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Julia Morkina. Poetic Creativity: Philosophical Analysis. M., 2017 – 304 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-056-5


The book deals with the set of problems related to the poetic creativity, creativity situation and the creative functions of consciousness. I consider poetry as an example of human creativity, analyzing by means of philosophical methods. Consciousness is seen as autopoietic stream of meanings and senses, which are generated and transformed intentional objects as complex ideal systems.

The book examines the poetry as a concept closely related to the concepts of intersubjectivity, communicative space, communication, “I” and Others, the author and the reader. In this book I adhere to the phenomenological paradigm, based on the work of phenomenologists such as E. Husserl and A. Schutz. Talking about consciousness, I refer to the metaphor of the stream of consciousness introduced by E. Husserl. Senses created by consciousness activity are treated as the reflective units of stream of consciousness. Senses constitute the systems, existing in the time of its occurrence, and not in space, as if unfolding spatial constructions. Poetical compositions are considered as an ideal complex system of meanings and senses with a definite structure. I have shown that the poetic hero is constituted in the reader's consciousness as the “Alter Ego”, and for this constitution E. Husserl’ works of Alter Ego is true. I reconstructed the model of creative situation, which is based on semantic shifts taking place in the creative process. Creativity is regarded as creation of the new senses and meanings, so the concept of sense/meaning has become fundamental in this study. I examine the dynamics of emergence and transformation of senses and meanings in a creative consciousness. The novelty of this study consists in phenomenological analysis of poetic compositions as the complex ideal systems of senses and meanings, which exist in the consciousness of interpreter during reading process.


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Philosophy of Creativity. 2 th Issue. Cognitive and Socio-Cultural Dimensions / Edited by N.M. Smirnova, A.S. Maidanov. - M.: IIntell, 2016. - 314 p. ISBN 978-5-98956-014-1


This book may be viewed as the 2nd issue of annual edition «Philosophy of Creativity» (the first one: «Philosophy of Creativity», Moscow, IIntell, 2015). In the focus of the book there are cognitive and socio-cultural dimensions of human creative activity. Due attention has been paid to the special problems of creativity in such fields as philosophy, cognitive sciences, artistic (poetic, musical, architectural), literary creativity and social communications. Philosophical transformations of meaning in different philosophical contexts have sophisticatedly been regarded. The book consists of 3 chapters: philosophical creativity: tradition and innovations, cognitive and cultural parameters of scientific creativity and sociocultural worlds of artistic creativity.  The results of contemporary Celtic studies (first publication in Russian) have also been contributed to the book. It is shown, that philosophy of creativity should be viewed as interdisciplinary framework for cognitive synthesis in the study of creativity in different regions of human thinking and activity.






Natalia M. Smirnova, Anatoly A. Gorelov, Julia S. Morkina. Creativity, Meaning, Interpretation. M.: ИФ РАН, 2016. - 139 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0307-9.


Natalia M. Smirnova – Principal Researcher, Prof., D. Sc., Head of Philosophical Problems of Creativity Dept., Institute of Philosophy,  Russian Academy of Sciences.

Anatoly A. Gorelov –D.Sc., Leading Research Fellow, Philosophical Problems of Creativity Dept., Institute of Philosophy,  Russian Academy of Sciences.

Julia S. Morkina -  Ph.D., Senior Researcher,  Philosophical Problems of Creativity Dept., Institute of Philosophy,  Russian Academy of Sciences.


Three researchers – Natalia Smirnova, Anatoly Gorelov and Julia Morkina  –  have  jointly contributed to the content of this book, which clarifies the authors’ reflections upon the problems of meaning and creativity. The book continues our previous research work, presented in “Language, Meaning and Creativity” (2015) in such a sense, that it puts further the most significant concept of creativity – the meaning of meaning. The authors reached the agreement, that creativity as such should be viewed as meanings’ constitution activity, which widens semantic space of thought, activity and social organization. 

The first chapter (Natalia Smirnova) has been devoted to the concept of meaning as related to its rational reconstruction procedures and the type of rationality in social cognition in general. Different approaches to philosophical definition of meaning have been analyzed, its correlation with the other concepts of high level abstraction  have been demonstrated. Interrelation of interpretation procedures with the type of rationality in social cognition has also been studied.  Socio-phenomenological and analytical approaches to meaning constitution processes have also been compared in this chapter. It is shown, that the concept of meaning has been correlated with historical types of philosophical hermeneutics and historical types of rationality in social cognition and activity. The ways, in which contextual relativity of meaning have been realized in different conceptual frameworks, have been explicated. Philosophical transformations of meaning in different philosophical contexts have also been regarded.

The second chapter devoted to socio-cultural aspects of creativity, such as novelty and usefulness. The author distinguishes positive (evolutionary) and negative (involutionary) meanings of creativity. This difference, the author suggests,  contributed to making sense of creativity in more comprehensive way, comprising ecological aspects as well. 

In the third chapter the author deals with the poetry, considered as a complex system of meanings that occurs in the stream of consciousness of its author and its reader-interpreter. The contents of such concepts as “life world” and of “poetic world” have been compared. It is shown, that there exists a poetic world of the individual poems as well as certain poetic world of the individual poet. We can also speak about mutual poetic world of cultural community, analogical to a certain extent to Karl Popper’s "Third World". The consciousness engaged into poetic world in this or that way.

The concepts of poetic hero, poetic image and poetic idea have also been introduced. The author shows that the poetic heroes are constituted in the reader's consciousness as an “Alter ego”, and for these constitution procedures E. Husserl’s reflections upon constitution of the Other prove true. Due attention has been paid to the concept of reader’s personality. In this respect the concept of “biographically determined situation” is highly relevant.



Philosophy of Creativity (Smirnova N.M., Alexeev A.U., eds). Moscow, Iintell, 2015.  – 476 p. ISBN 978-5-98956-009-7


This book presents volume of  papers of the First all-Russian conference “Philosophy of Creativity” held at the Institute of Philosophy RAS,  8-9 of April, 2015 and supported by Russian Foundation for Humanities (grant 15-03014116/15). The book contributes to the wide range of problems in such fields as: logic, scientific methodology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of technique, neurophilosophy, as well as philosophy of poetry,   philosophy of music, philosophy of mythology, social philosophy and epistemology. It has been shown, that philosophy proved to be interdisciplinary matrix of different research fields in the study of human creative activity.





Smirnova N.M., Beskova I.A., Maidanov A.S. Language, Meaning, Creativity. Moscow, IPH RAS 2015. – 141p. – ISBN 978-5-9540-0289-8.


The book resumes the authors’ reflections upon nature of the most mysterious phenomenon of human reason – meaning. Being an attribute of human thinking, activity and social organization, it paradoxically escapes from rigorous philosophical analysis due to the fact, that it underlines all cultural phenomena. The authors try to present the whole context of interdisciplinary discussion on the nature and cognitive functions of meaning in its most disputable aspects. The authors pay due attention to the problem of transition from the so-called “initially unarticulated meaning” of non-symbolic mental representation to its linguistic expression. Linguistic presentation of meaning has also been studied in epistemology of metaphor.



Experience and Meaning  (Smirnova N.M., ed). Moscow, IPH. RAS, 2014. – 207 p. ISBN 978-5-9540-0267-6.


Philosophical problems of creative activity as the meaning sedimentation process are in the focus of this book. The authors refer to consciousness experience as the background of meaning creation process. Special attention is paid to meaning translation and personal appropriation in metaphor and interpretation. Interactive nature of meaning is sophisticatedly scrutinized. The problem of marginal experience and its relevance to meaning sedimentation process is also studied in the book. This is for the specialists and the students of philosophy.

Интерсубъективность в науке и философии / под редакцией Н.М. Смирновой



Intersubjectivity in Science and Philosophy (Smirnova N.M., ed). Moscow, Canon+ , 2014.  – 416 p. ISBN 978-5-88373-395-5


Heuristic power of “intersubjectivity” concept have been scrutinized in the framework of the most significant XXth century cognitive projects – phenomenology, post-phenomenological critics and phenomenological hermeneutics as well as in contemporary cognitive sciences (sociology, ethnomethodology, linguistic and sociobiology) and contemporary scientific approaches: synergetics, complexity meta-theory, artificial intelligence. The book includes 5 chapters, which refer to its  main research fields: cognitive sources and philosophical meaning of intersubjectivity, concept of intersubjectivity as a means of scientific analysis, intersubjectivity as a concept of  cognitive human sciences, intersubjectivity concept in the study of social communication, at last (but not least) – the concept of intersubjectivity in socio-cultural experience’s analysis. The first translation into Russian of old Irish medieval poetry samples has also been included in the book.