Call for papers
The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) will host International Conference «Social Philosophy of Science. Russian Prospects» in Honor of Prof. V. Stepin on 18-19 November 2014. Papers are accepted on any topic in philosophy, sociology and history of science with a particular emphasis on the topics of the suggested sections.
The preliminary list of the planned contributed sections includes:
Constructivism vs. Realism Relativizing Naturalism Social Ontology of Science STS: Hard Science, Soft Science Science as Culture Social Dimensions of Technology Reforming Science
Selected contributed papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Papers should be prepared for anonymous review and should be up to 1700 words. Submissions should include a 100-word abstract. The text should be in Word document format, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 interval, margings left 2 cm and right 2 cm, with page numbering. All Citation should be in the form of footnotes
The organizing commitee has decided to alter the dead line from the 1st to the 15th of September 2014
Please submit your paper electronically at All questions about submissions should be directed to Tatiana Sokolova at or More information can be found at /page17188836.htm
Organizing Committee I. Kasavin (Head), F. Blucher, S. Fuller, A. Antonovsky, P. Kuslij, O. Stoljarova, S. Pirozhkova, T. Sokolova (Secretary)
Program Committee A. Guseinov (Head), E. Agazzi, V. Archinov, V. Lektorsky, E. Mamchur, N. Kasavina (Secretary)
Evaluation Committee V. Stepin (Head), V. Bazhanov, J. Collier, R. Harre, N. Martishina, A. Nikiforov, A. Trufanova (Secretary)
Keynote and invited speakers (a preliminary list)
Steve Fuller, Warwick U, UK